Public Hearing – remains open – Proposed LL revised Feb 26, 2024

The following public hearing was opened on February 12, 2024 and remains open.  The proposed Local Law has been revised as of Feb 12, 2024, and again on Feb 26, 2024: ……….PUBLIC NOTICE, VILLAGE OF CHATHAM, COLUMBIA COUNTY, NEW YORK.  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED LOCAL LAW ENTITLED “A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE TABLE OF USE REGULATIONS IN RELATION TO ACCESSORY STRUCTURES”.  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chatham shall hold a public hearing on Monday, February 12, 2024 beginning at 6:40pm at Tracy Memorial Village Hall, 77 Main Street, Chatham, NY 12037 for the purpose of taking public comment on a proposed local law entitled “A Local Law to Amend the Table of Use Regulations in Relation to Accessory Structures”.   This proposed law would amend the Village Zoning Code to allow accessory uses and structures for residential uses as of right, while requiring site plan review for accessories to other use categories. At such public hearing, all interested persons shall have the opportunity to be heard. Copies of the proposed “A Local Law to Amend the Table of Use Regulations in Relation to Accessory Structures” is available in the Village Clerk’s Office, 77 Main Street, Chatham, NY 12037.  To view the proposed law (As amended February 26, 2024): Local Law to Amend the Table of Use Regulations in Regard to Accessory Uses – FEB 26 REVISION – for posting

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