

Planning Board Meeting, Monday, February 24, 2025; 7pm

The next meeting of the Planning Board will be held on Monday, February 24, 2025 at 7pm. The meeting will be held at the Tracy Memorial Village Hall, located at 77 Main Street, Chatham, NY 12037.  This meeting is open to the public. Agenda TBA.


No ZBA Meeting: February 2025

No applications were submitted to the Zoning Board for review for the month of February, 2025.


SNOW EMERGENCY beginning 7pm tonight, 02/08/25 **CANCELLED**



VILLAGE OF CHATHAM DECLARATION OF SNOW EMERGENCY 02/08/2025. There will be NO PARKING beginning at 7:00pm, Saturday, February 8, 2025 until further notice on either side of Austerlitz Street, High Street, Maiden Lane, Kinderhook Street, Cemetery Hill Road, Library Place, Locust Street, and Woodbridge Avenue (from Hoffman Street to Church Street), as detailed in the Chatham Village Code sec.99-29: https://ecode360.com/29136160 and sec.99-62 Schedule XXV: Snow Emergency Streets: https://ecode360.com/29136237#29136237. Residents are encouraged to park in the municipal lots at Depot Square, and at the north end of Main Street.  As a reminder, year round, there is NO Parking on Village of Chatham Streets between 3am-6am: sec.99-23: https://ecode360.com/29136154. Two-hour Only Parking Laws will NOT be enforced during the Snow Emergency. To view the executed declaration: Declaration of Snow Emergency 02.08.25 executed



Village Offices will be CLOSED on Monday, February 17, 2025 for President’s Day

Board of Trustees Meeting: Monday, February 10, 2025 at 7pm

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 7:00pm. The meeting will take place at 77 Main Street, Chatham, NY 12037 and is open to the public. Link to the agenda: February 10, 2025 BOT Meeting AGENDA


KISS Document Shredding

KISS Document shredding at the Tracy Memorial Village Hall: 2025

MARCH 10th-21st, JUNE 2nd-13th, SEPT 8th-19th, DEC 8th-19th


Year-round, properly sized/packaged Yard Debris such as downed limbs, brush, and clippings may be disposed of at the DPW garage on Brookside Avenue between 8:00am and 2:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Autumn collection of leaves by the DPW, using vacuum machinery, begins each year in October and continues until December, weather permitting.  Please remember LEAVES ONLY.  Sticks, stones, pet waste, pet litter, and any other debris will damage the machine and/or result in serious injury.  Piles containing anything other than leaves will NOT be collected.  Bagged leaves will not be collected. 
Springtime collection of yard debris by the DPW begins in April.   For collection, you may place biodegradable bags for LEAVES ONLY, and properly sized, and bundled sticks and branches at the curb.
Properly sized and/or packaged = Please use biodegradable bags for leaves ONLY. NO sticks, rocks, twigs or anything but leaves in the bags please.  Branches should be tied in bundles and should be cut as follows:   If they are more than 2″ diameter cut them to no more than 2-feet long. If they are less than 2″ diameter they can be up to 4-feet long.  
The collected yard waste does not get chipped by the Village DPW for repurposing in the Village.  The pile has gotten out of control in the last year or two. Village residents may bring debris, but please try to keep in mind that the intention is for managing fallen sticks and branches rather than for large quantities of tree trunks and large debris.

Clerk Office Hours

The Village Clerk Business hours are 9am-1pm Monday-Thursday, closed on Friday. The Tracy building is open Monday-Friday for access to other offices-the Building Inspector/Codes Enforcement Officer, Treasurer, Town Court, and Police Department. The Village Clerk drop box at the front door will continue to be used as well.  If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 518-392-5821, x5921.

Garbage Stickers

Village Trash stickers are to be fastened to your trash bags prior to collection of the bags by County Waste. Stickers may be purchased at: 

Citgo (at the stoplight)

Stewart’s (Church St.)

Village Clerk’s Office (9am-1pm, M-Thurs)

Garbage Stickers are still available at Citgo and Stewart’s. You are also able to receive your trash stickers via mail if you leave a check in the lock box at the Village Clerk’s office along with your name, address, the amount of stickers and whether they are $2 or $3 stickers.


Planning Board Meeting, Monday, February 24, 2025; 7pm

The next meeting of the Planning Board will be held on Monday, February 24, 2025 at 7pm. The meeting will be held at the Tracy Memorial Village Hall, located at 77 Main Street, Chatham, NY 12037.  This meeting is open … read more

No ZBA Meeting: February 2025

No applications were submitted to the Zoning Board for review for the month of February, 2025.   … read more

SNOW EMERGENCY beginning 7pm tonight, 02/08/25 **CANCELLED**

  UPDATE: SNOW EMERGENCY HAS BEEN CANCELLED. VILLAGE OF CHATHAM DECLARATION OF SNOW EMERGENCY 02/08/2025. There will be NO PARKING beginning at 7:00pm, Saturday, February 8, 2025 until further notice on either side of Austerlitz Street, High Street, Maiden Lane, … read more

Village Offices will be CLOSED on Monday, February 17, 2025 for President’s Day

Board of Trustees Meeting: Monday, February 10, 2025 at 7pm

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 7:00pm. The meeting will take place at 77 Main Street, Chatham, NY 12037 and is open to the public. Link to … read more

KISS Document Shredding

KISS Document shredding at the Tracy Memorial Village Hall: 2025

MARCH 10th-21st, JUNE 2nd-13th, SEPT 8th-19th, DEC 8th-19th


Year-round, properly sized/packaged Yard Debris such as downed limbs, brush, and clippings may be disposed of at the DPW garage on Brookside Avenue between 8:00am and 2:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Autumn collection of leaves by the DPW, using vacuum machinery, begins each year in October and continues until December, weather permitting.  Please remember LEAVES ONLY.  Sticks, stones, pet waste, pet litter, and any other debris will damage the machine and/or result in serious injury.  Piles containing anything other than leaves will NOT be collected.  Bagged leaves will not be collected. 
Springtime collection of yard debris by the DPW begins in April.   For collection, you may place biodegradable bags for LEAVES ONLY, and properly sized, and bundled sticks and branches at the curb.
Properly sized and/or packaged = Please use biodegradable bags for leaves ONLY. NO sticks, rocks, twigs or anything but leaves in the bags please.  Branches should be tied in bundles and should be cut as follows:   If they are more than 2″ diameter cut them to no more than 2-feet long. If they are less than 2″ diameter they can be up to 4-feet long.  
The collected yard waste does not get chipped by the Village DPW for repurposing in the Village.  The pile has gotten out of control in the last year or two. Village residents may bring debris, but please try to keep in mind that the intention is for managing fallen sticks and branches rather than for large quantities of tree trunks and large debris.

Clerk Office Hours

The Village Clerk Business hours are 9am-1pm Monday-Thursday, closed on Friday. The Tracy building is open Monday-Friday for access to other offices-the Building Inspector/Codes Enforcement Officer, Treasurer, Town Court, and Police Department. The Village Clerk drop box at the front door will continue to be used as well.  If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 518-392-5821, x5921.

Garbage Stickers

Village Trash stickers are to be fastened to your trash bags prior to collection of the bags by County Waste. Stickers may be purchased at: 

Citgo (at the stoplight)

Stewart’s (Church St.)

Village Clerk’s Office (9am-1pm, M-Thurs)

Garbage Stickers are still available at Citgo and Stewart’s. You are also able to receive your trash stickers via mail if you leave a check in the lock box at the Village Clerk’s office along with your name, address, the amount of stickers and whether they are $2 or $3 stickers.