The next meeting of the Zoning Board will be held at 77 Main Street, Chatham, NY on Thursday, August 18, 2022; 7:00pm. August 18, 2022 ZBA Meeting AGENDA
Take notice that the Zoning Board of the Village of Chatham, New York, will hold a public hearing on an application by David Hocs; Application #2022-061: Tax Map #66.6-2-5; 55 Spring Street, Chatham, NY. (Section 110-68C, Area Variance fence height); 10’ high fence on North boundary of property. Such hearing will be held on Thursday, August 18, 2022 at 7:00pm at the Tracy Memorial Village Hall, 77 Main Street, Chatham, NY 12037. All interested persons shall be given the opportunity to speak at such hearing.