The Village of Chatham has a new vendor for garbage and recycling pick-up. County Waste was awarded the contract to be our vendor from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018.
For the most part, you should not see significant changes in service with pick-up day continuing to be on Wednesdays between 7 and 1.
One change will be the use of recycling totes that will be provided by County Waste. They will drop off totes at all properties on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 5 and 6. If you do not receive one, please call the Village Clerk’s Office at 392-5821 and we will get one to you. The use of the totes is not mandatory but is recommended.
Another change is that there will only be one truck that makes the rounds through the Village, picking up both garbage and recycling at the same time. The truck will have two compartments, so that garbage and recycling are kept separate in the truck.