Snow Removal

1888 - Main Street, Chatham, NY
It is your duty as a property owner to remove snow from your sidewalk. This must be done within 24 hours after the end of a snowfall. If snow is not removed promptly, the Village may have it removed at your expense. Icy sidewalks can be extremely dangerous, with the potential to cause serious injury. If there is ice that cannot be removed, you must apply salt, sand or other suitable material.  To view the amended Sidewalk Law, including schedule of fines:

DOG Control

If you need assistance contact the DOG Control Officer in your Town. A map showing the Town boundaries within the Village can be viewed here. For more information, contact your Town Clerk. For contact information, click on an individual’s name in the table below.

Deputy DOG Control Officer, Town of Ghent Richard Leggett
DOG Control Officer, Town of Chatham Darell Dutcher
DOG Control Officer, Town of Ghent Wendy Shufelt


The Village does not have a general noise ordinance, but some situations are covered in the code, such as barking dogs and home occupations.

For barking dogs, contact your Town DOG Control Officer

For all other matters, contact the Chief of Police.

Sump Pumps

Sump pumps must not discharge into the sanitary sewer. This would cause problems at the sewage treatment plant. Improper sump pump installations are subject to a fine. If you have questions about your sump pump setup, contact the Building Inspector.


The Village Code is available online at:

Vehicles parked on Village streets must be moved a minimum of once every 24 hours.
Overnight parking on Village streets is prohibited year round except where noted in the Village Code.


The sale and use of fireworks in the Village is prohibited, except by special permit. For more information, contact the Village Clerk.

How to Get More Information

There is a copy of the Village code book on file at the Tracy Memorial Village Hall or online under “Department” Building and Zoning at the bottom of the page. For more information, contact the Village Clerk.

Deputy DOG Control Officer, Town of Ghent

DOG Control Officer, Town of Ghent

DOG Control Officer, Town of Chatham