Notice of Public Hearing: Monday, August 14, 2023 6:30 pm

PUBLIC NOTICE, VILLAGE OF CHATHAM, COLUMBIA COUNTY, NEW YORK. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR “A LOCAL LAW AMENDING ARTICLE I OF CHAPTER 83 OF THE CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF CHATHAM–SEWER USE”.  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chatham shall hold a public hearing on Monday, August 14, 2023 beginning at 6:30pm at Tracy Memorial Hall, 77 Main Street, Chatham, NY 12037 for the purpose of taking public comment on “A Local Law Amending Article I of Chapter 83 of The Code of The Village of Chatham—Sewer Use”. The purpose of this local law is to amend the Code of the Village of Chatham to revise and clarify the permitting, operating, and enforcement regulations in relation to residential and commercial users of the Village of Chatham sewer system. At such public hearing, all interested persons shall have the opportunity to be heard. Copies of the tentative proposed “A Local Law Amending Article I of Chapter 83 of The Code of The Village of Chatham—Sewer Use” is available in the Village Clerk’s Office, 77 Main Street, Chatham, NY12037. Sewer Law – Revised AUG 4 2023 100 pm – FINAL – CLEAN for Adoption
Desiree Kelleher
Chatham Village Clerk

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