Columbia County is pleased to share a virtual presentation on April 10th 2024 from 6-8PM to discuss the County’s commitment to creating local resiliency to weather events such as extreme precipitation and flooding, severe winter weather, drought, extreme temperature, and other natural hazards associated with climate change. Columbia County was awarded a grant from the New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to update the County’s 2018 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) including all jurisdictions within the County. The HMP update is currently in progress and this presentation will explain the scope of the grant work, review the potential risk and vulnerability of our facilities, infrastructure, vulnerable populations, and resources to natural hazards impacts within Columbia County. Discussions will include next steps to identifying mitigation actions to improve the resilience of the County and its jurisdictions to climate change impacts. There will be an opportunity for your input and questions after the virtual presentation.
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